Drinks and Accessories

Drinks and Accessories
What, how and when to drink? As we all know our body needs fluids to hydrate us. Just like in advertising should consume at least 2 liters of water per day to be healthy. I know I can live a few days without food good, but without water. I know many persons who each month, a day shall cure with water, do not eat anything just drink water. Besides this essential fluid of life, we humans consume liquids, namely "alcoholic and non-acloolice". These drinks also have their role. Some people eat for pleasure, others' needs. " Let's talk a bit about the drink called wine-known since before Christ. It is said that wine is a drink party, to honor guests. All wine meets some religious rituals. As all advances, nothing stands still today, as well as wine has become a ritual, giving us a wide assortment of beverages. Even some doctors recommend us reasonable alcohol consumption, distance to the reasonable consumer abuse is very small so we must be careful large amount. The wine is typically consumed during a meal, depending on how we choose what we eat either white or red wines, dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet or sweet. One of the benefits of this drink is that it can be used in cooking and is considered a powerful antioxidant. About brandy or strongly we know? Grandma says it helps in digestion and that should be consumed before meals. But be careful not drink before each meal! All these drinks are carefully preserved and bottled in bottles as special shapes and sizes and we need to consume them and some accessories. Corkscrew is the most important accessory, with it open bottle. I really try to ask a waiter if he corkscrew, I did that once and believe me I get beat, then I found out that actually corkscrew is "knife waiter." Why do we need-a pahar- who it is an important accessory in beverage consumption. As everything is nice how about a nice ring to keep a napkin in the bottle is wrapped? However, little detail was telling you about in previous articles, make big differences. My recommendation is that if you are invited to a family dinner, you have not seen for a long a friend and invite him home for a meal, go with a bottle of wine or taste depends on the case and one of strength, my sound is that it will look good. Glass can even be personalized with the message you want to send it to the host. If you want a complete gift you can attach a small set of accessories that drink. I have said about what, when and how to drink, but I told you so and how careful the amount! I heard that white wine has the ability to remove red wine stains ??? Has anyone tried? I have not, I had the chance. Is it or is it just a myth from Grandma? You know how they say you get rid of the smell of onions garlic.
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