How to spend your time in the wild

How to spend your time in the wild

Nowadays free time is almost non-existent, therefore the little time we have, must be appreciated and especially, spent with pleasure. This can be done according to everyone's preferences.

There are many people who want to spend time with their friends. If time allows, we can go out to the green grass for a barbecue and maybe a good game of football, if there are enough amateurs available, or why not, a game of badminton.

The ingredients for a successful day outdoors are relatively few. All we need is good spirits, a few small ones with friends and some liquids, but be careful not to be alcoholic or too spirited. During the summer, soft drinks, water or beer, must be kept cold, so I recommend you to equip yourself with afridge bagor one like a backpack, like this one. It is small, light, but roomy. In addition to water or a soft drink, there are also enough cans of beer to last you all day. I know I said liquids should be non-alcoholic, but let's be serious, who ever heard of going outside without beer? The next step would be to trick someone from the very beginning into being our driver on the way back and keep him happy all day with non-alcoholic beer or other goodies, lest he change his mind. And to pass the time, you also need badminton rackets, a soccer ball, or other round objects that jump up when they contact the ground.

For the most sedentary of us, movement, such as football, may present too much of a challenge. For them, a game of Backgammon or table (because we are only in Romania) could be the winning solution. Chess is not excluded either, some even prefer it, and mill is also a very widespread game among Romanians. That's why I recommend this foldable game which has several games in one. In addition to the three mentioned above, it also includes a game ofCheckerswhich, to be honest, I don't know how to play and probably never will, unless one of you teaches me. It also has Tic Tac Toe, known to us as X and 0. But if we want to play it safe, we could also include a deck of playing cards.

Not even romantics who see fiery red hearts floating in the air at all step, they should not feel wronged, there are solutions for them too. Going out to the green grass would be great for them, except for the drunken friends who want to drink beer and hit the ball all day around them. My recommendation for them is to opt for a picnic backpack, designed especially for them, equipped with all kinds of of cutlery, crockery and glasses for two people. Don't be misled by seeing three glasses and three plates in the picture, it's not for three people, it's just for two people + a spare (or more) for contingencies.

If we had a whole weekend at our disposal, an outing with the family would be ideal, and the larger the family, the more fun the weekend. That doesn't exclude friends either, just that it might be harder to find amateurs when the total time away from home is longer than a day. The ideal destination often does not lie in a distant place. We can take the map in hand and search for places near the city we are from. Most of the time, you might be surprised how many beautiful places are just a few kilometers away from you, that you haven't even heard of. This would help you in the stress and fatigue department, fuel economy, but also precious time.

There are also solutions for those "obliged" in one way or another to participate in such breaks from everyday monotony. A mystery book by Agatha Christie could keep you engrossed for days, thus saving you from boredom and unwanted outdoor activities. The good thing about reading is that any relatively well-bred person would leave you alone if they saw you reading a book. But if you have the misfortune to interrupt, you can refer that person to this article.

Another recommendation could be a set of stereo headphones for those who love to listen to music and don't want to- and spoils the sight with reading. However, one does not exclude the other. To increase your chances of success in idleness, you can hold a book in your hand while listening to music on your headphones, you don't even have to read from the book, you just have to pretend and remember to turn the page every now and then when, so in the eyes of the world. On the other hand, if fun is in your blood, you can create the atmosphere very easily with just the playlist on your phone and astereo speaker system. Pay attention to the people around you, if they are holding a book in their hand, this will more than likely irritate them, but if they have headphones on, then it doesn't matter, all they want is for you to leave them alone!< /p>

Here I end the article, but not before reminding you, that I still have no idea how to play Checkers and I would be grateful if you could point me in the right direction.


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