Saint Andrew, another celebration

Saint Andrew, another celebration
We are approaching the end of November and why not some fun for us as Orthodox celebration follows St. Andrew, ie Romanian Halloween. This celebration is not as popular as American Halloween, but as traditions and customs are similar. Who is St. Andrew and why we celebrate? St. Andrew is an apostle of the 12, and Orthodox Christian church referred to as "Protector of Romania". Date on which celebrates St. Andrew is 30 November, and the night before 29 to 30 November is one magical. This night is called popular "Night ghosts". It is said that on this night the gate between the two worlds opens and leave those of us visit, so it is considered a night of horror. People are taking protective measures, thinking about the most powerful weapon, namely garlic. Why garlic? Because ghosts do not like the smell. As a protective measure people anointed with garlic doors and windows so they stay away ghosts. Other habits such as pots and jars tonight to be upside down as ghosts dwell not intere them and ashes in the stove is not that no ghosts here not slip heat. Tradition says that in ACES night exhausted unusual animals gather and talk to each other, and the rituals of love are stronger. As the nights are symbols of masks and pumpkin. So much is said about the night before Saint Andrew, these traditions and customs unrelated to the celebration, but preserves are repeated every year. So we have another reason to spend "Romanian Halloween". As garlic not only protect us from ghosts but we defend and disease and is a wonderful condiment in the kitchen, so eat it with confidence.
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