The meaning of Mărțișor

The meaning of Mărțișor

Spring comes with some of the most beautiful holidays that many of us want to spend with our loved ones. This list also includes the celebration of Martișor, that is, the beginning of March, when most of us show our love and appreciation to the people around us by giving a symbol with a special meaning. This is how it is done because, it goes without saying that it is very important to understand from the very beginning what the meaning of the martișor is. Stay with us and discover all the necessary information during the following lines!

What is the martișor?

For many of us, March 1 also represents the beginning of spring. Snowdrops are now appearing, daffodils are beginning to emerge, and the temperature in the thermometers is rising considerably. At the same time, including our well-being changes and makes us much happier than normal. But, in reality, the martișor is a symbol of joy and gratitude despite the decay of nature. Now, sunny days make their presence felt, and fruitful crops signal that the new year has arrived.

What does March 1 mean?

By far one of the most famous holidays of the year is that of Martișor. This coincides with the date of March 1, the traditions coming from the time of the Geto-Dacians. At that time, the year was divided into two seasons, summer and winter, and March was the first month of the year. That is why, in the past, the date of March 1 was accepted as the opening of the new year, being also the first day of the Mother's Days.

What is the history of the martișor?

To be able to better understand the meaning of the martișor, it is necessary to go a little further into the history of the martișor. The string consisting of a white thread and a red thread was given to loved ones, such as family members and relatives. At the same time, wishes were made for good luck, well-being and prosperity in the whole family.

Subsequent discoveries report the fact that the history of the martișor is much longer, emphasizing the fact that ancient amulets were discovered in the Danube Gorge, which were made more than 8000 years ago. In turn, they have the shape of evil pebbles and wore white and red colors that were worn by women as elements of beautification.

What is the meaning of martișor?

It is no secret that, nowadays, there are many quite different legends regarding the Romanian martișor. For example, this is the source of three very different legends, which embody the martișor as an extremely important symbol.

Every year, the martisor is offered on March 1, first of all to the mother and then to the dear people in our lives. Depending on the region, most of the time girls are the ones who receive gifts from boys, but in some localities the tradition is exactly the opposite. We are talking here, in particular, about the region of Bucovina.

Know what the meaning of martișor is so you can really enjoy this wonderful celebration!

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