March 8, Women's Day

March 8, Women's Day

These days we celebrate one of the most beautiful holidays recognized and celebrated internationally. Surely you have noticed how the month of March takes on a new color, given the fact that now spring is also starting. But in reality, International Women's Day is a holiday with a strong historical impact, which each of us should be aware of. Stay with us and discover everything you need to know about March 8, Women's Day!

What does International Women's Day really mean?

Historically, International Women's Day is a result of labor-related social movements that took place in the early 20th century. These movements originate not only in North America, but also especially in Europe.

Furthermore, feminism is closely connected with this holiday, as on March 8 the most important women in each person's life are celebrated every year. Every year, during this day, discussions and debates take place on the topic of gender equality and with a view to abolishing discrimination against women globally. Whether we are talking about world leaders, political and social activists, mothers or friends, women play an active role in building and shaping society, in order to have an increasingly better life.

What are the roots of International Women's Day?

The celebration of International Women's Day began in the United States on February 28, 1909. This day arose as a movement of the Socialist Party, which wanted to give the population the opportunity to mark, annually, the strike of 1908 in which the workers from the textile industry in New York, mainly women, marched in the streets and protested about the existing working conditions.

Later, in Copenhagen, it was decided that March 8 would be a day dedicated to women, and this day would be recognized in other countries as well, such as in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Denmark. Thanks to the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action, a long-term strategy for the benefit of women has also been established.

What traditions and customs exist in the world for March 8?

Globally, there are various traditions and customs that are followed every year. It is generally men who give flowers and gifts to the female people in their lives, not just wives, daughters, girlfriends or colleagues, but also co-workers or business partners.

In countries like Italy, Russia or Albania, women receive yellow mimosas from men, this being a strong symbol of gratitude and appreciation towards them. At the same time, in Portugal and Spain, women go out with their friends and celebrate together this extremely important day not only socially, but especially historically.

March 8th is an opportunity for everyone to express their feelings and offer admiration and appreciation to the loved ones in their lives. Every year, this day becomes more and more important and celebrated globally, being a symbol of women's rights.

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