Rituals and traditions for serving tea

Rituals and traditions for serving tea

Every culture is different, and this shows us how beautiful the whole world is. In many corners, you will be able to find a special ritual for tea, which represents a cultural gesture that is part of an ancient tradition. If you've heard the phrase "tea ritual" before, you'll be interested to know that it translates to "hot water for tea." In order to come to your aid and expose some of these mysteries, we have put together a comprehensive guide to the rituals and traditions of tea serving for you!

1. History of tea

From a statistical point of view, tea is a very frequently consumed drink in the world, coming in second place, after water. According to studies, every second 36,000 cups of tea are consumed, which makes us think that up to 1,200 billion cups of tea are consumed every year. Strong tea producing countries include Kenya, India, China and Sri Lanka. In the same category are South Korea, Japan and Taiwan, thanks to the extremely rich variety of flavors. The history of tea is known for more than 5000 years. It started in China and was initially promoted by monks.

2. Tea in the Far East

At present, the ritual for serving tea in China is called "Gong Fu Cha". Loosely translated, this expression denotes the idea of ​​"taking time for tea". These few minutes are meant to relax the body and relax the mind, so that the body gets what it needs. Generally, especially in India, tea is made by infusing the leaves in boiling milk, which are left on the heat for up to five minutes. The optimal temperature is 95°C, and the resulting tea is drunk directly from terracotta cups, early in the morning.

3. Tea means contemplation

Whether you want to enjoy a few minutes of peace in your own home or give a nice gift to your friends, tea can help them discover a new joy in life. Porcelain gifts (giftexpress.ro) are ideal for birthdays, anniversaries or on the occasion of any other events, able to brighten the day of the close people in our lives.

For example, the tea ritual in the East has more of a role of contemplation and meditation, being an optimal time for the people concerned to enjoy a few minutes of silence. For example, the ritual involves the complete cleaning of surfaces, thus expressing purity. Just before enjoying the tea, a light snack is offered according to the existing season. Also, the decor is rich, often with black and red bowls, alongside a bamboo vase. Don't forget to keep your clothes clean and simple, and if you want to have an oriental experience, we recommend wearing a kimono. Enjoy the opportunity to experience a complex ritual and imposing traditions for serving tea!

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