Christmas tree

Christmas tree

Christmas is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year, being celebrated in countless countries around the world. The Christmas tree is, in turn, an indispensable symbol during the month of December, as it manages to bring the spirit of Christmas to every home and beautify our home. Besides, for many of us decorating the Christmas tree is the most beautiful tradition that we follow strictly from year to year. However, it is interesting to find out where this custom comes from and how old it is.

What is the history of decorating the Christmas tree?

Decorating the Christmas tree is a tradition that was taken over from the Germanic tribes and embellished with the decorations we have today. The custom entered our tradition only in the middle of the last millennium and has a special meaning. For example, the triangular shape of the Christmas tree symbolizes the Holy Trinity, while the decorations used to decorate it signify wealth and knowledge, similar to the sacred tree existing in the Garden of Eden. Apples were also present here, known as the fruits of knowledge.

Even the Dacians had a custom where the fir tree was present, it being cut at a wedding or at a person's funeral. In both situations, it was decorated with sweets and various ornaments, being a sign that divinity merges with nature.

What is the meaning of the Christmas tree?

In most traditions, the tree in which fruit, candles, nuts, flowers and ribbons are placed represents a tree of life, which brings luck and good omen to any home. Especially in folk art, the fir tree is very common, being a symbol found in wipes, ii and carpets.

Today, the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree is a moment of joy for many families, regardless of the environment in which they live. According to the writings, most of the time the tree is brought by Santa Claus during the night, when the little ones are sleeping. However, lately decorating it has turned into a family tradition, in which every member participates.

Also, the decorations used to decorate the Christmas tree have a special meaning, among which we mention the angels who announce the birth of the Holy Child. At the same time, the Star at the top of the tree is the heralding Star of the Birth of Jesus.

What are the traditions in our country?

Decorating the Christmas tree used to be an activity eminently done on the evening of December 24th. This tradition has been modified, as the fir trees are decorated on different dates, according to the preferences of each family.

On the territory of our country, the tree remains in the house for days after the Christmas holidays. This is an extremely important seasonal decoration, which is usually removed from the house before Epiphany. In the past, it was used after the winter holidays to heat the house, the wood left over from it being put into the stove. This activity is another full of nostalgia, as the Christmas tree that was brought into the house and used during the winter holidays is banished for the new year.

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