Feast of Saint John

Feast of Saint John

Every year, Saint John the Baptist or Saint John is celebrated on January 7. This day is extremely important for many of us, as it is the day that reminds us of the person who baptized Christ in the Jordan River. Of course, along with these extremely important elements, there are also various traditions and customs that are still respected today. Stay with us and discover everything you need to know about this magnificent celebration!

1. What is celebrated on January 7?

In addition to the feast of Saint John, on January 7 we also celebrate Christmas according to the old rite. According to the teachings, it is also called the Julian calendar or the old-style calendar, which is 13 days behind the official calendar.

2. What do we know about Saint John the Baptist?

Everything we know about Saint John the Baptist has been handed down from generation to generation, which is why we celebrate him even today. He was part of the family of the priest Zacharias, mentioning the fact that his mother was related to the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. Saint Ion's role was that of a leader, as he began to preach right before the Savior. Thus, he began to prepare the people for the period of Jesus Christ.

Also, it began by baptizing people in the Jordan River. This tradition had the role of preparing each follower for the true baptism, brought by Jesus Christ himself. Moreover, Saint John had many disciples and even if he did not have the gift of storytelling, he managed to draw people directly to him.

3. How did Saint John the Baptist die?

During his lifetime, Saint John the Baptist used to be humble and wear a camel hair coat with a leather belt. As for the elements he ate, Saint John the Baptist limited himself to locusts, this being a type of tree that is no longer found nowadays. Moreover, he used to live in a deserted cave, but met his end when he was caught by Herod and sentenced to death.

According to the Gospel, Herod was the one who ordered the beheading of Saint John the Baptist, a request that came from Herodias. This was because John kept commenting to Herod about the fact that he was living with Herodias, who was his brother's wife. In order to convince Herod of this request, Herodias used her daughter, Salomea, to ask Herod for John's head as a reward.

According to the writings, the celebration of the beheading of Saint John the Baptist takes place on August 29 every year. This marks the end of the church year, given that a new church year begins on September 1.

One of the most famous traditions is represented by sprinkling the house with new plaster, to protect us from diseases.

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